
This post is written by Amalia Ghiban, a Romanian woman who lives in Portugal who attended ESD in Germany…

I met Jim in March 2015, in Germany, where we both were invited to be trainers in a Train-the-Trainer conference. From the beginning of our conversations, I started to grow a lot of interest in his work and I wanted to know more. Fortunately, he delivered a class of Emotional Self-Defense, which I attended and I was amazed by the results it brought up.

As a life coach, I work with the field of emotions, and I love discovering more and more tools and ways to approach this infinite world. And the best way for me to do this is to allow myself to go through different experiences.

During Jim´s class I discovered how I still carry emotional patterns that I thought were cleared and I also learned practical ways to manage them, to manage myself and the conversation I am having, to better empathize with the other party, and to always look for a win-win situation and not an emotional drama as a result of an interaction with someone else.

I am grateful for this encounter, and for the opportunity to work on myself and to become a better coach and a better person every day.

I can fully recommend Jim´s work and I can say that I would attend his class again.

Thank you once again.


This post is written by John Pomeroy…

When I met Jim last year at Impact Hub Oakland, I was immediately impressed by his calm and welcoming demeanor. Upon getting to know him and his emotional self defense course, I more clearly understand how he managed to be so calm and welcoming: he practices what he preaches. In several of my emotional interactions with strangers I have applied the lessons that Jim taught me, and know I felt better afterward than I would have if I hadn’t. Can’t recommend the course enough!


This post is written by Stefania Maradin, a Romanian woman who took Emotional Self-Defense in Germany in March 2015. Take it away, Stefi…

I first did the Emotional Self-Defense class with Jim at a training course in Germany. It was a simple exercise done in our free time. At first I was amused, it seemed just funny. Me and my partner were just playing while doing the physical games and for no apparent reason we started laughing like crazy. When we got the actual exercise, out of laughter came out some really big issues for both of us. I discovered my inability to express myself and to actually understand how I feel through an exercise that seemed at first like a game. Also, realized that I’m always in defense mode.Funny thing is that my partner discovered she is in attack mode, haha.

I’m also using the techniques in my daily life. I recently had some very big issues with some close people and I had to deal with some very powerful type of rejection. What I learned helped me deal with it and now I am at peace.

I realized/learned all these things in one hour, which is amazing. If you, the one who’s reading now, are interested in emotional self defense and self discovery, the key is to go with an open heart and mind, fearless to the course. I trust Jim and you will too. You will not regret one minute of it.
